Friday, December 24, 2010


finally at home. well, so many things happened during these weeks I was not updating my blog... too many  news... I have to admit I am already bored and I have not even started to tell! well, step by step... the 26 hours traveling to get home were a bit though and since I couldn't sleep on the flight, I think that the sleeping pills and I are going to be good friends soon... the weekend I spent in Mestre with the most amazing Ragga jam dancers in the world was absolutely great, forcing me to wake up from the jet lag and giving me all the energy I needed to start my business trip around Italy, the next Monday;) a-m-a-z-i-n-g, thank you Laure&Co.
Then, I traveled around. 3000 km in 8 days is a bit tiring... but wow, Italy is wonderful. I thank the job I'm doing for making me remember it.
Now, it's Christmas time.
dear friends, enjoy it.
I wish you all the best.
big hug


  1. Auguroni a te Mony!!!!!
    sono contenta che te la viaggi e sei felice. brava!!
    mi raccomando..vacci piano con le pillole.
    un abbraccio

  2. ah, di pillole non devo prenderne una per colore per fare l'arcobaleno?! oops lallà... hihihi no tranquilla;) fammi sapere di te! ti ricordo persa tra i biberon di vodka... che fine hai fatto???!!! abbraccionissssimo
